MEAN stack is certainly an ideal choice for hybrid app development with full-stack JS. Also, it assures a quick and adequate software output. It is of open-source nature, utilizes a common language on both the client and server side, well-organized technology setup, and also gives a flexible development model. All these features make developers keen to garner expertise in this technology. Though, if you are looking for professional training, Mean Stack Developer Training in Gurgaon will help you in the journey. Moving further, let’s have a look at four fundamental technologies that comprise MEAN.
The four fundamental technology includes
MongoDB – It is a cross-platform and popular database written in C++. A single document in MongoDB appears like an object in OOPS.
ExpressJS – It is a light weighted and mature server framework specially built for single and multi-page web applications. It basically uses the Pug engine for giving support for templates.
AngularJS – It is an open-source web and mobile application framework from Google. AngularJS enables both the development as well as testing of apps with MVC and MVVM architectures.
NodeJS – It ranks as one of the world’s best-performing & versatile platforms. Multiple organizations, startups, and SMBs seek its utilization for building a variety of web, mobile, and desktop applications, inclusive of full-stack development.
Responsibilities of a MEAN Stack Developer
- Faster development, testing, and deployment for scalable web apps
- Designing and supporting fully functional large relational and non-relational databases
- Timely deployment of on-cloud for web apps
- Looking after Server management and cloud-based infrastructure
- Establishment and integration of development tools as necessary
- Identification of application issues while deploying the apps
- App deployment on the cloud with solving debugging issues
- Additionally, coding architecture for frontend and backend
- Look after building interactive consumer data
- Collaborate further with the IT team, researchers, and designers for designing robust apps and encouraging business goals
- Creating features in apps that basically have a mobile responsive design
- Further, testing applications and fixing bugs, along with security and data protection features
- Develop code architecture decisions for maintaining scalability and good performance
- Making use of popular front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, LESS, etc, and designing UI components.
- Conducting code reviews session for peer developers
What skills do mean stack developers need?
There are different important skills a mean stack developer needs to excel in their role. Here are some to develop when pursuing this career:
Building Communication: Also with other technology occupations, communication is necessary to discuss difficult topics with different groups of people. This requires active listening to understand client needs when designing applications.
Javascript: Further, when you think of the tools, you generally focus on JavaScript coding language. However, a deep knowledge of this area is important. This suggests understanding how you can write code but also knowing how you might use relative tools like third-party libraries and databases.
Web technologies: A basic knowledge of web technologies, like protocols, internet servers, and cloud technology are important for this development. This basically means understanding cloud architecture and how you can further program applications that can function on unique devices.
Collaboration: Mean stack developers often work with different teams, including company leadership and technology teams, to design their applications. You manage a team of developers in this role, where you might provide requirements and guidance for them to build new software.
The MEAN Stack Development is a highly popular and user-friendly interface to create dynamic applications and websites. It helps you in building a simplistic, flexible, and open-source solution for the best outlook. There’s no doubt, why MEAN stack developers are so much in demand and can continue to do so. You can be a part of this race, by taking Mean Stack Developer Course Online. As hiring MEAN stack developers are high and shall remain so for the near future. So, go ahead and start your career in Mean Stack Development.